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Sensory Overload - in a good way

"I'm writing in Paris" certainly sounds good. That was part of the plan But here I am in one of the world's greatest cities and between the churches, the museums, the food, the parks, the people on the street - I can't seem to write a thing. There's too much to experience and wonder at.

But haven't most of my best-laid plans come undone? And hasn't that usually worked out well? "Trust the process and keep a notebook handy" are perhaps the wisest words for writers. For this one anyway.

In my dream world all the cities have Metros where people can scowl at each other as they fly from place to place so that geography loses its death-grip on art and culture and we can all hear each other read...often. So, let me sign off with one more bit about trusting process:

Me: "Funny, I seem to be working on poems."
Jim: "Yes, that usually happens when you decide to quit writing poetry altogether."

May your day be full my friends. A bientot!  Read More 
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