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Why Are You Writing Stories??

This is not a question anyone asks me. It's one I ask myself - often these days. Because I'm deep in story-land trying to master a craft that is not mine. I'm a poet. I think I am. At least I was a poet. I used language in ways that were magical and mysterious to me as a writer, as a poet, as a woman. As a human being. I used words even as they used me - demanding expression, stretching and snaking along to mean things I could barely articulate. I both led and followed as they drifted, then dove into grottoes where shadows suggested meanings I had not anticipated. Their history fascinated me. Their power empowered me. Their weight bore me up.

But the stories I'm writing right now are much more straightforward. Read my stories and you'll know when you're at the beginning, the middle and the end. So why am I doing this other thing? Why are stories as essential to humans as food or dogs or horses or heroes. We have to tell them, hear them, write them, think about them, dream them and sing them. And I need to learn something now as I write them. Blindly. In faith.  Read More 
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Finally - I Have Something to Teach

This semester I've been doing some guest spots at the college level - and it's been a wonder and a joy. After decades of trying to learn to write I find I have something to pass on. Those of you who are teachers by trade may find that laughable, but it's taken me till now to know, to really know, that I've lived with this art long enough to say something real about it to new writers. To me that feels both holy and outrageous.

This morning I'm giving a workshop on generating new material. We'll use a great Stanley Plumly poem, one of Lynn Emanuel's and one from Beth Ann Fennelly. An added bonus - the preparation for the session sent me into a new poem of my own. (Thank you to the poets and the I Ching).

The Bible says "In the beginning was the word." I say, in the end is the word as well -- the words that lifted me from a pit and helped me know truth about what is wrong while celebrating what is right in the world. I am grateful. Now off to the holy and outrageous. Read More 
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