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Happy 'Nother Year To You

And so it goes, one year rolling into the next. I'm almost 65 and some of the sense of January newness has worn thin. Politicians now do what they did when I was 18, trying to fix the world. Literary and intellectual trends have circled around. Even cutting-edge fashion is alarmingly familiar (those "body-shapers" are "girdles" renamed sweetheart) -- but the beat does indeed go on.

I'm about to launch "The Hounds of God," which means investigating help from other authors - indie sources that address the hard facts of publishing life - the need to market, market, market. We all are exposed to so much - aren't we? How do we find what we need to read, eat, love and think about?

I'm thinking smaller, reaching out to the already extent group of medieval junkies rather than try to market to everyone. I want to be more personal, talk one on one, or in small groups about the fascinating times we call the middle ages, times that are the basis for so much of what is good - and what is bad - in modern western life.

This year's book sale thrill is a neighborhood girl (young woman?) who liked Witch so much she is giving it as birthday gifts to her friends. It's her eyes that made my day - she lit up talking about the book.

May your projects be fun - or at least rewarding - to create and may they be well-received in 2015. Send news of what I can do to help you. May we reach for the light, but also embrace the dark. There are things there that wait for us all. Love and health.

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